Reflection Blog: What I truly learned

H i blog ! I have decided I no longer want to call you guys “bloggers ”, so I will now refer to you as “blog ”. I started this blog almost 3 weeks ago, and I got to present to you a project . It was tricky; however, I finally finished my commercial. Although I am upset that the project has come to an end, many more will come. Because I did complete my commercial, I have deci ded to reflect on what I have learned. Learning how to use an editing software was definitely the trickiest part. As you already know, I used the app Capcut on my cell phone. On Capcut there are thousands of different templates to choose from. I tried o ne of them out but decided it would be best to create it from scratch. When you press “New project” you open an empty slate for you to create on! I learned about the features at the bottom, such as “edit” and “text ”. There is a letter “T” that I learned allows you to add text. This was how I was capable of adding lyrics to my commercial. ...