Production Blog: My dance media

 Hey bloggers! 

Welcome to today's blog. In this blog, I will tell you guys about my dance experience in high school! I have been dancing for 9 years at a studio, but now I dance for my school team as well. Last year, I auditioned for the “Blue Royals”, and it was a scary experience. Although I was confident in my abilities, it had been within
my first 2 weeks of school and I
didn’t really know anyone. When we walked into the room, we got numbers and had to fill out a sheet. As I sat down to fill out my form, I saw a girl I had met in my world history class. She didn’t know anyone either, so she sat next to me. We talked about how nervous we were, and then suddenly it was time to warm-up. Auditions flew by, and by the time I knew it we got our emails telling us who made it. I was petrified, but happy with my outcome. I had made the competition team, the highest level!

Throughout the year we did events and fundraisers, and it was loads of fun. I enjoyed being a part of the team and all the friends I made. The best part was competition. 

On January 15th, we started our drive to Orlando. I was super excited to bond with the girls and to compete! We stayed in a Disney resort and competed in the ESPN sports center. During the drive, we got our first mascot, Pig. He is not a pig, he is a panda. While we were at Disney springs that night, our captain wanted to buy a pig for our mascot. Pig was a surprise for her, so he turned that idea down immediately. She looked upset, but later that night we surprised her with Pig and a poster.


The next day was the competition, and I was so excited! That morning we had breakfast at the hotel before driving to the competition. We got to watch other schools, and suddenly it was our turn. I had so much fun, and we ended up winning second place overall! Here is a picture of me the morning of the competition. 

Now it's been a little under a year, and I am working at the open house table with my friends. I get to tell parents why they should have their kids join dance, and I get service hours! It was loads of fun and I got to meet my friend's parents, and here is a picture from that. 

I'm glad I got to give you guys some background on my dance life, because that will be an important part of my commercial. Thanks for reading, have a great day! 


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