Peer Review: I Hope They Like It!

Hey Blog! Today I filmed for the second time! However, things did not go as smoothly as last time. After finishing the room scene, every other scene takes place around the beach. Although today was kind of difficult I still had fun, and after this I will be able to begin editing! First, I had to make sure we could all make it to the set, aka Fort Lauderdale Beach. I was not sure where everyone lived, so I had to make sure everyone had a ride. Luckily, we were all able to make it! I wanted everyone to arrive at two and surprisingly, they did! Once everyone met up, I started filming the walking shots. The first scene I was filming was super simple. The girls are just walking down the side walk talking. The only problem was that I had to keep staring over the shots because of random little things . In one of the shots, a random pigeon walks in front of Olivia! Then I filmed the scene in the restaurant. Before I began filming, I made sure it was okay with the r...