Editing Blog: Choosing the Best Clips!

 Hey Blog!

    Today I started editing my first full short film and I had no idea how much work it would take. Making the intro last year was hard, but this was worse. I had tons of footage, and the thought of sorting through it all was a little overwhelming. 

    The first step was organizing everything—naming my files and separating the good takes from the not-so-good ones. I quickly realized that not every scene worked the way I had imagined, so I had to be picky about what I kept. Some of the footage was a little shaky, and I had to cut it down or use techniques to stabilize it. It was hard to let go of some shots that I thought were cool, but I had to make sure the film flowed smoothly. 

    I learned that trimming scenes was just as important as shooting them. The more I cut, the more I saw how the story started to take shape. I spent a lot of time finding the best shots that matched the energy of the scene, even if that meant leaving out parts I liked. The pacing was really important, and I played around with the timing to make sure the film didn’t drag on or feel rushed. 

    One thing that helped was watching the film a few times with fresh eyes to catch mistakes or areas that felt awkward. I also added in transitions between scenes to make the cuts less jarring. I found it fun to experiment with effects and adjust the contrast or brightness to make certain moments pop. As I edited, I realized how much I could shape the film just by choosing which parts to highlight. It was amazing to see the raw footage turn into something that felt like an actual movie.

        Similarly to last year, editing was one of my favorite parts. Its

just so cool seeing everything come together. Thank you for reading. Bye!


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