The Search Begins

 Hi blog!

Today I will be discussing a dilemma my group is currently facing. A lack of actors. Luckily, I have found a solution.

Many of my friends are in media studies as well, so they do not want to be in another video. Then today in class, I realized I could just ask around. Although I expected many no's, my friend Khila said yes! I have two classes with her, and I know she is very trustworthy!

After I found my main actress, I needed to find some background actors. Luckily Khila had some friends who were willing to join the process. I’m hoping everybody will be able to work well together.

Now that we have a cast, I created a group chat. We are currently discussing film dates. Although we don’t know when to film yet, I decided a few of us could go prop shopping. Now tomorrow, others and I will go to the dollar store in order to get supplies! I’m really excited.

Luckily us going shopping live near each other! I would go shopping directly after school, but I have clubs. That’s alright because the other people do as well! I’m thinking of getting a birthday crown, so that the viewers understand the video is about Khila’s birthday.

I hope you guys enjoyed today's blog, and I will talk to you soon!


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